This study investigated into the extent to which ICT is used in teaching and learning
and the challenges teachers face in the integration of ICTs in teaching and learning of
Integrated Science. The descriptive survey was used for the study. The study took
place in Mfantsiman Girls’ Senior High School, Methodist Senior High School,
Aggrey Memorial AME Zion Senior High School and Moree Snior High Technical
School which are located in the Abura-Asebu-Kwamankese district and Mfantseman
Municipality in the Central Region. All integrated science teachers and second year
students were purposively selected for the study. The sample comprised of 42
Integrated Science teachers (25 males and 17 females) and 200 students (75 males and
125 females). Questionnaire items and observational schedule were the main
instruments used to collect data for the study. The Statistical Package for Social
Sciences was used for the analysis. Cronbach Alpha (α) reliability coefficient 0.77
was obtained for the questionnaire items and a Cohen’s Kappa coefficient of 0.75 was
obtained for the observational schedule. The study revealed that, even though
Integrated Science teachers have embraced the integration of ICTs in their teaching,
most of the ICT tools available in the schools for teaching were faulty. This inhibited
teachers from integrating ICTs in their teaching process. The study also revealed that
the time allocated for teaching was too short to integrate ICTs in their teaching. It was
noted that most teachers lacked training opportunities and some basic ICT tools are
not available for effective teaching and learning of Integrated Science. The study
concluded that; even though, most of the teachers had access to some basic ICT tools
for teaching they could not use them for their lesson delivery. The study
recommended that the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) of
the Ghana Education Service in collaboration with the Ministry of Education should
review the Integrated Science curriculum and revise the syllabus to explicitly state
what ICT tools should be used and how it should be used in the teaching and learning
A thesis in the Department of Integrated Science Education,
Faculty of Science Education, submitted to the
School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of degree of
Master of Philosophy
(Integrated Science Education)
in the University of Education, Winneba