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some inflectional processes in Dagbani

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dc.contributor.author Mahama, A.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-10T14:01:35Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-10T14:01:35Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.description A thesis in the Department of Gur-Gonja Education, Faculty of Ghanaian Languages Education, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy (Ghanaian Language Studies) in the University of Education, Winneba. en_US
dc.description.abstract This study investigates some inflectional processes in Dagbani, a Mabia language spoken in the Northern part of Ghana. It identifies Dagbani inflections and their associate functions, and as well explored some morpho-phonological processes observable in the inflectional processes. The study is descriptive in nature and used qualitative approach to analyze the data. The data sources are primary and secondary. The primary data were collected through observation and self-generated, through native speaker’s introspection. The secondary data were obtained from Dagbani texts including text books, articles, theses etc. Based on the analysis, it is discovered that there are some significant prefixes and suffixes used as inflections in Dagbani. The prefixes are n-, bu-/bʊ, and dɨba-. The prefix n- has allomorph of -a. The nominal singular/plural suffix pairs are -a/-ba, -Ø/-di, -Ø/-a, -i/-a, -di/-a, -li/-a, -li/-ya, -gu/-a, -a/-hi, -e/-hi, -o/-hi, -u/-hi, -ga/-ri, -ɣu/-ri, -u/ ri, -a/-si, -ga/-si, -gu/-si, -o/-ti, -gu/-ti, -a/-nima, -ba/-nima, -e/-nima, -i/-nima, -u/ nima, and -Ø/-nima. These function as number markers. The adjectival singular/plural suffix pairs are -Ø/-a, -i/-a, -o/-a, -li/-a, -li/-la, -li/-ma, -a/-hi, -e/-hi, -ga/-si, and -ɣu/-si which equally serve as number markers. It is also revealed that The functions of the nominal and adjectival inflectional suffix pairs mark the distiction between their sigular and plural forms in Dagbani. Finally, the verbal suffixes are -Ø, -ya, -di/-da, -ni/-na, -ri/ ra, -ti/-ta, -mi/-ma, and -na. Whereas -ni, -ri, and -ti, are allomorphs of the morpheme di, the morpheme -da too has variants of -na, -ra, and -ta. The suffixes -mɨ and -ma are however observed as seperate morphemes that mark imperative when inflected on some Dagbani main verbs. Hence, the verbal suffixes mark aspect, imperative, and direction as well. It is found that vowel harmony, homorganic nasal assimilation, epenthesis and elision, vowel raising and vowel reduction, vowel lengthening, consonantal alternation are some of the phonlogical processes identified in the inflectional processes. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Education Winneba en_US
dc.subject Inflectional en_US
dc.subject Processes en_US
dc.title some inflectional processes in Dagbani en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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