Human Resource Development (HRD) is important for organizations in achieving higher
performance. Human Resource Development is the frameworks for helping employees
develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. The purpose of
the study is measure effect of Teachers Resource Development on school performance at
Jomoro Municipal. The study employed descriptive and correlational. The study was
conducted using sample of 60 teachers in the Jomoro Municipal. Data were collected from
the participants through the use of structured questionnaire. The Reliability test using
Cronbach's alpha had (α = 0.768) for questionnaire. The study employed both descriptive
and correlational research designed, and employed correlational and regression analyses to
explore the relationship between the variables understudy. Findings from the study
revealed there is weak positive relationship (R = .276, p < 0.05) between Teachers
Resource Development and School Performance. Teachers Resource Development
significantly influence school performance, since the p-value of Teachers Resource
Development was far less than (α = 0.05) alpha level. The total variability in school
performance explained by teacher’s resource development was only. The variability in
school performance explained by teachers’ resource development is very small. The study
concludes that teachers’ resource development significantly influences school
performance, though there is small variability in school performance that is explained by
teachers’ resource development. The study Recommends that the educational directorate
should work had to improve teachers’ resource development in the Jomoro to help increase
the schools performances.
A Project Report in the Department of Educational Leadership, Faculty of
Education and Communication Sciences, submitted to the School of Graduate
Studies, University of Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the Master of Arts (Educational Leadership) degree