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Use of differentiated instruction among Central Region senior high school mathematics teachers.

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dc.contributor.author Animle, P.K.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-17T10:53:49Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-17T10:53:49Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.description A thesis in the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty Science Education, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy (Mathematics Education) in the University of Education, Winneba en_US
dc.description.abstract The study explored the extent to which Senior High School (SHS) mathematics teachers use Differentiated Instruction (DI). The study employed a mixed research methodology design that uses a explanatory sequential approach. 128 SHS mathematics teachers in the Central region of Ghana were selected for the study using a stratified sampling technique. In the qualitative phase of the study, a maximum variation sampling strategy was used to select eight mathematics teachers. After a careful review of appropriate literature, self-administered questionnaires were used as the instrument to collect data to answer the questions set for this study for the quantitative phase. At the qualitative stage of the study, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews. The study’s findings demonstrated that SHS mathematics teachers’ knowledge of DI was high. The result of the study indicated that training in DI seems to be the best predictor of the use of DI compared to age, teaching experience, training in DI, the value of DI, administrative support, class size, workload, and planning. It was recommended to reduce the teacher-to-student ratios in schools to improve the SHS mathematics teachers ability to personalize instruction to meet the individual learning needs in the classroom. KEYWORDS: Differentiated Instruction ,Mathematics, Senior High School, Teachers, Knowledge. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Differential en_US
dc.subject Instruction en_US
dc.title Use of differentiated instruction among Central Region senior high school mathematics teachers. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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