Adolescents was defined by the United Nations (UNICEF, 2019) as those between ten
(10) and nineteen (19) years old. It is a period of physiological stress for the body
because of extremely rapid rate of growth. The diet plays a crucial role in promoting
growth; hence the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for all nutrients are high
during 13-18 years of age. The main nutritional problems which affect adolescents are
under nutrition, in terms of stunting, thinness, catch-up growth, and intrauterine growth
retardation in pregnant adolescent girls, iron deficiencies and other specific nutrient
deficiencies (WHO, 2002). Food choice is a complex process and it may require more or
less consideration (Vabø &Hansen, 2019). The purpose of the study is to examine factors
affecting eating habits and food choices of adolescents living in the Fahiakobo and
Kwamekrom rural communities of Bibiani in the Western North Region of Ghana. The
objectives of the study are to examine the factors influencing the eating habits of
adolescents in Fahiakobo and Kwamekrom communities of Bibiani, examine the factors
influencing food choices of adolescents in Fahiakobo and Kwamekrom rural
communities of Bibiani and identify the health effects of eating habits and food choices
on adolescents in the Fahiakobo and Kwamekrom rural communities in Bibiani. The
research design used for this study was the combined approaches of a cross-sectional
survey. In this study, both primary and secondary data were used as methods of data
collection. This study used data collection tools which involve observation, interview and
questionnaires. As a descriptive survey, statistical tools such as the Statistical Package for
Social Scientist (SPSS), Statistical Analysis software, simple measures of central
tendencies (that is ratios and percentages) were used together with summarized
A Project Work Submitted to the Faculty of Catering and Hospitality, Akenten
Appiah-Menka University of Skill Training and Entrepreneurial Development
(AAMUSTED), Kumasi in partial fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of
Master of Technology Education in Catering and Hospitality