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Impact of industrial field trip on graphic design students learning and practices

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dc.contributor.author Koffie, E.
dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-17T09:27:21Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-17T09:27:21Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.description A Thesis in the Department of Art Education, School of Creative Arts, submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Philosophy (Art Education) in the University of Education, Winneba en_US
dc.description.abstract The main aim of the study was to ascertain if field trip take place in Senior High Schools offering Visual Art especially Graphic Design in Abura Asebu Kwamankese District of Central Region in Ghana and to examine how this field trip could be utilized in the teaching and learning of Graphic Design across these schools. The research adopted qualitative research approach and descriptive research design. The researcher collected and analysed data qualitatively, the researcher selected four teachers and sixteen students from all Graphic Design teachers and students in the Abura Asebu Kwamankese district. The sample was obtained using the purposive sampling method and simple random sampling technique. From these respondents, the researcher used two sets of research interview guide questions to gather data from the teachers and students respectively. For data processing and analysis, the researcher used frequencies count and percentage and presented them using tables, thematic analysis was used to analyse the data obtained. The findings of the study revealed that teachers and students have been embarking on field trips in the Senior High Schools across the district as stated by 75% of the teachers and 100% of the students. The findings also revealed that field trip provides educational and career opportunities that cannot be done in the classroom as supported by 62.5 % of students and all the teachers also the use of the field trip give a student idea about possible careers in Graphic Design to consider. The use of virtual reality, animations and models were sometimes use in place of real objects in class. Further, 75% of the teachers and 81.5% of the students indicated that organising field trips is stressful. Finally, the findings brought to light some positive impact of field trip on the development of student interest toward studying Graphic Design. The study revealed that students interest in learning how to observe, understand and critique design and art works has increased as 75% of students and 100% of teachers confessed to the statements, also it was revealed through the study that as a result of engaging in field trip, students interest in computer related designs increased greatly as confirmed by both students and teachers. It has been recommended that appropriate procedures are adopted for students and teachers in order to facilitate the organisation of field trips successfully en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher University of Education Winneba en_US
dc.subject Impact en_US
dc.subject Industrial en_US
dc.subject Field en_US
dc.title Impact of industrial field trip on graphic design students learning and practices en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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