Food traceability systems availability and efficiency was investigated using 74 food businesses along the food chain in
Ghana. Questionnaire with closed and open ended questions were given to purposefully sampled staff in key positions
in the food businesses to answer on qualification of technical personnel, availability of documentation procedure and
how these businesses were controlling traceability systems. Most food businesses were using Higher National Diploma
graduates in the technical/supervisory positions. Documentation was poor and although there was awareness on trace ability across the food businesses, implementation and maintenance was not effective. Only 23.8% manufactur ing/processing units, 20% hospitals, 16.7% hotels and 14.8% schools could complete traceability test within 4 hours. It
was recommended that more short training programmes on quality and safety be designed for workers in the food in dustry by appropriate institutions while science students from the Senior High Schools are encouraged to enroll on food
science and food manufacturing technology programs to improve on the current situation.