The paper proposes a model that helps to explain consumer behaviour towards Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
policy and the influence of MNP adoption factors on consumer switching intention process in the
telecommunication industry. The proposed model was tested using data from a cross-section of 736 subscribers
of six global companies in Ghana’s mobile telecommunication industry, where MNP has been introduced. The
findings indicate that MNP adoption can positively influence consumer switching. The effects of MNP adoption
on switching intention is realised through three main channels; directly through MNP-induced self-efficacy (or
switching efficacy) and indirectly through perceived switching costs and attitude towards switching. The
proposed model helps explain about 50% of switching intention. The paper discusses implications of the findings
to marketing theory and practice and provides directions for future research. The paper advances our knowledge
in the impact of government/industrial policy on consumer behaviour in marketing.